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Speaking at Planning Committee

The Broads Authority has in operation a scheme to allow people with an interest in a planning application in the Broads to speak directly to the Planning Committee.

This leaflet is for individuals, local community groups, interest groups and applicants. It explains how public speaking at Planning Committee works.

The scheme is designed to ensure both objectors and applicants have the opportunity to have their views taken into account.

District and County Council ward members and Parish Councils are also able to address the Planning Committee as part of the process.

Any member of the Broads Authority may attend and speak in accordance with the Code of Conduct for members and officers.

The public speaking scheme does not apply to enforcement matters as these do not involve any public consideration as such, or if the proposal is dealt with under delegated powers. The scheme also does not apply to  policy matters or consultations eg: Local Development Framework (LDF).

Click here to download leaflet