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Vacancies for Town Councillors

We currently have 3 vacancies for the position of Town Councillor at Carlton Colville Town Council.

Who can apply to be a Town Councillor at Carlton Colville?

Generally anybody over 18 who is an elector and who lives in or within three miles of Carlton Colville and who has done so during the past twelve months.

Generally anybody over 18 who is an elector and who has their principal work in or within three miles of Carlton Colville and who has done so during the past twelve months

More details about qualification can be obtained from the Clerk - see details below.

What does a Town Council do?

Please see attached leaflet

When are Town Council Meetings held?

Full Town Council Meetings are held once a month at the Methodist Church Hall at Shaw Avenue at 7.00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month.

If you are interested in one of the above vacancies please contact the clerk to the Council:

Alison Ayers
Tel 01502 521959
Email clerk.cctc@gmail.com