Town Council
Suffolk Libraries — we’re open to everyone!
Not everyone may realise what the library service in Suffolk has to offer them.
There are 44 Libraries in the county which, as well as offering a huge range of books of course, also offer a range of other services and activities.
As well as books you can also hire CDs and DVD titles for a small charge. You can get online for free in all libraries — ideal for filling out job applications or keeping in touch if you’ve not got a computer at home.
There are a wide range of activities — Bookstart, Baby Bounce and Tot Rock story sessions for young children and Top Time groups for older people.
We also provide free Bookstart packs for babies and three year olds.
From 21 July to early September all of our libraries will be offering children the chance to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge which is a fun and rewarding way of encouraging children to keep reading during the holidays. You can find out more at your nearest library.
The library is a great place for the community to come together to share information and even if you can’t get to your nearest library easily, it can come to you!
The mobile library visits 200 villages and hamlets and 475 stops in Suffolk. Each stop is visited every four weeks. There is also an At Home Library Service which involves volunteers delivering books to people who find it difficult to get to a library or mobile library stop — usually because they are older or disabled.
You can also access and browse the full library catalogue from and we even offer access to a range of free eBooks and eAudio books. It’s free and easy to sign up to be a library user and if you have any queries about any of our services or activities you can find plenty of information on our website or call Suffolk Libraries Direct on 01473 584563.
All of Suffolk’s library services are now run by Suffolk Libraries which is an independent and charitable organisation supported by the county council.
You can also follow Suffolk Libraries on twitter @SuffolkLibrary or Facebook at to keep up to date with news and activities and you can sign up to our newsletter on our website.