Suffolk Observatory

The Suffolk Observatory contains all Suffolk’s vital statistics; it is the one-stop-shop for data, statistics and reports all about Suffolk provided by a variety of organisations. Through data, reports and analysis, the Suffolk Observatory provides a comprehensive picture of the County and is a great source for useful facts and figures that will help you write reports and presentations, inform strategic and business planning, prepare funding applications or support academic research. Data is presented around the key themes of education and skills, economy and employment, health and care, population, deprivation, housing, environment, transport and travel and crime. All areas of the county are covered, right down to district, ward and parish level, with information easily accessible in a variety of formats. You can even build your own reports by different themes and topics.
The Suffolk Observatory is there to support anyone interested in finding out more about the county!
Examples of how the observatory can support different types of user can be found below:
- Public Sector Service Providers and Policy Makers: Need to understand the nature of local communities in order to deliver high quality, customer-focused services.
- Partnership Officers: Require comparable information from partner organisations to support the development of local and sub-regional partnership plans, strategies and targets.
- Elected Members: Would like to be informed about local areas and identify how services are performing in their area compared to neighbouring areas.
- Voluntary and Community Sector Workers: Require local evidence for funding applications and to help them target their services effectively.
- Businesses: Require a range of demographic and socio-economic information about areas in which they are planning to set up, expand or invest.
- Citizens: Require information about the area in which they live or are planning to move to.
- Researchers, Analyst and Students: Require a wide range of qualitative and quantitative information for profiling work and the completion of local projects and studies.
[words & logo reproduced from The Suffolk Observatory website]